Friday, May 29, 2020

Jerusalem Course Teaches You to Employ Yourself Over the Internet

Jerusalem Course Teaches You to Employ Yourself Over the Internet 4 Local Internet Entrepreneur Barak Hullman of has opened a class in Jerusalem where he teaches you how to create revenue that's unlimited by the number of hours you work. The E-Business Training Course In the 8 weekly sessions, you'll cover 8 keys to running your successful Internet business: How to pick a business for online. How to sell on eBay. Understanding the technical aspects of web pages and site management. Learn how to outsource work Payment processing and shopping carts. Sales techniques for selling online. How to advertise your site with Google Adwords. How to use other marketing techniques. Overview of the principals of Think and Grow Rich. Barak and I are working on an unrelated venture together and I've gotten to know him well. He's a talented speaker with years of online profits and real-life stories. You'll feel that if he had success, you will too. Head on over to IncomeIsrael for a class demonstration video clip and sign-up information. Decide for yourself!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Personal Branding Interview Marcus Buckingham - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Branding Interview Marcus Buckingham - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Today, I spoke to Marcus Buckingham, who was interviewed for the seventh issue of Personal Branding Magazine back in early 2009. Ive also interviewed his wife, Jane Buckingham on this blog. Marcus is a New York Times bestselling author, international speaker, and consultant. his latest book is called Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently. In this interview, Marcus talks about how to figure out what you were born to do, the obstacles that get in the way of our happiness, what successful people do differently, and more. How do you figure out what you were born to do? Does it help to figure this out sooner rather than later? There are times that you could look for to figure out what you were born to do. The first thing you got to remember is that you are not following your dreams in the sense that you’re not painting dreams in the sky at 30,000 feet, and going “gosh that perfect life is out there somewhere, if I just knew what is was,” because actually when you ask people “what is your ideal job?” and you give them a whole list of possible answers.   By far the two most common answers when you ask that question with the working population are “my ideal job is either what I’m doing now with more responsibility or a specialized subset of what I’m doing now.” So most of us, finding our perfect job isn’t a function of kind of saying to ourselves, “what is the one perfect job out there? What is that dream?” Actually, finding what we’re born to do is more of a journey where you look at how you’re feeling about what you’re doing now and then you gradually build your way toward it i ncrementally, by paying attention to the signs that are there out in the world and then gradually moving yourself toward it. I would say that the signs are pretty clear for you. If you feel effective while you’re doing something- that’s a really good sign that you’re playing to an area of strength. If you find yourself instinctively looking forward to doing something so you consistently find yourself volunteering to do it, positive anticipation, you might call that. So the opposite of procrastination- that’s a great sign that you’re in an area of strength. You get in that state where time speeds up that doesn’t happen with every activity, but that’s a really good clue if you want to find out what you were born to do just look at the activities that when you’re doing them you just get so into them that your sense of time changes and your troubles flow away. And then the last sign is when you’re done with an activity you feel fulfilled, authentic those needs kind of have been fulfilled of yours as though as almost you were pushed to do that thing. There’s that sense of maybe tiredness when you’re done with it, but there’s a sense of rightness and we all know what that feels like. I mean, and is it good to find that out early in life? Dan, well, yeah. Some of those signs are evident early. I mean, my sister went off to the world ballet boarding school to become a ballet dancer at the age of eleven. She has been a ballet dancer for the last 30 years and she’s had an opportunity to really dive deep into that and it hasn’t narrowed her, it has become the integrating point from which she sees the world. It has opened her world up. I think when you sharpen your edge like that, when you start early like that, your wedge opens up your world.   The earlier you start with something, the more proficient, the more expert you get, the more you find your genius. Having said that, you know, Grandma Moses, the artist, was 70 when she had her first exhibition. She worked on a farm for 50 years, didn’t have a chance to really paint and practice her genius. By the time she got to 70 and retired from her farm work, she set her mind to painting, and refined it, and refined it especially good until she died at 92. So, yes, it’s good to find it early. Having said that, if you’re 70, you can certainly still find it. What gets in the way of our happiness? What are the obstacles? Well I think that there are three obstacles which really surface. 1) We don’t see our uniqueness for what it is. We take ourselves for granted because we are good at something. Let’s say that we are naturally good at empathizing with people, we just naturally feel the emotions of other people and we respond to them. We think our soft heart is what everyone has, everyone is soft-hearted, everyone’s empathetic, everyone picks up on the emotions of other and because we’re so close to it, we don’t see it as genius, we just see it as us. We don’t even analyze it. So the first obstacle is that we don’t take ourselves seriously and we devalue ourselves, because our strengths are things that easy for us. So we almost reject ourselves. 2) There an awful lot of people in the world who don’t care really care about what our strengths are. So the second obstacle is that we listen to other people too much. We don’t listen to the sound of our own voice, we listen to the sound of other people’s saying “well you should do this, you should try this, or you should try it that way.” You know, school’s not really interested into helping you what’s going to make you happy in life. School’s good at teaching you things you need to learn in order to pass a test. Work’s not very good at discovering what will make you happy. Work just wants to get things done and if what makes you happy is getting things done then that’s a happy coincidence, but that’s not what work’s all about. So you got an awful lot of people out there in the world that are not particularly interested in who you are. Now if you were an engineer, you would say that the signal to noise ratio is terrible in life. So I think that’s another o bstacle that gets in the way- other people’s noise. Some of which might be really well intended noise, but it’s still noise. 3) Although our natural talents and gifts are ingrained in us, probably inherited in us at birth, the ability to channel effectively it is not. You got to learn how to do that. Strengths are value neutral. The things that really engage you and fulfill you are value neutral. They can come out for good or they can come out for ill. If you’re one of those people who naturally shows goodwill in others and understand that if you do something good for somebody at point a, at point b they might turn around and do something good for you back. If you are innately understanding of that, showing goodwill, that could come out as a wonderful gift to be able to influence people to do things and want to do things to help you, and it’s a great gift. If you’re not careful, it could also come out of manipulation and you could turn into a nasty, manipulative person. One of the other obstacles is that we don’t actually think consciously how do we own and channel our gifts so that we can use them to our advantage. Those are three, there may be many more, but those are three obstacles that certainly hold many of us back. Your latest published book is “find your strongest life” what are three things that successful woman and men do differently in their careers than everyone else, that make them standout and achieve success? 1) They will search for moments where they feel effective instead of living in the moment. In fact, there are many other moments that they are definitely trying to get out of as fast as they possibly can. Instead, they are searching for those particular activities or moments where there are signs of that. You are deliberately looking for things where you lose yourself in the activity and time speeds up. You’re deliberately looking for activities that when you’re done with them you feel that sort of sense of authenticity. You’re constantly looking and paying attention to those signs. That’s the first thing. You’re not you know doing all these things that push you beyond your comfort zone. Well, no, no, no, you’re not doing that. Successful people don’t do that. They push themselves within their strength zone which means they’re constantly experimenting, but they’re experimenting in order to look and discover more about what’s inside them, they’re not experimentin g in order to try and put in what isn’t inside them. So there’s a constant search for these strong moments. 2) They accept what they find. When you’re with successful people there’s an acceptance, “this is me.” At a lot of the Gallup, I was an executive coach for a while and I worked with executives who were struggling, and you’d listen to people who were having a really tough time with it and didn’t feel like they were getting any political support they needed or any financial resources they needed or they didn’t feel their manager understood them. I should’ve wanted to do it. I should’ve wanted to help those executives get better and I didn’t. I listened, and I realized that they just dragged me down. I just took too much of their pain and their difficulty on. I couldn’t stop myself from taking it all on. I would just walk away from pretty much all of these coaching conversations just feeling depressed. It was really only when I accepted that, and went, “you know what? That that’s not me- I am not a therapist. I am not good there.” I go from A+ to B- really fast. If I’m asking questions from someone who’s really good at their job and listening closely to what they’re doing, I’m an A+, but if I start to counsel someone who’s not good at their job, I could do it, but boy it drains the living daylights out of me. So one of the things that when you look at happy successful people, they are accepting, they search for these strong moments, but they’re accepting of what they find. They don’t fight, they don’t fight themselves. They don’t spend their life going, “I wish I was that person. I wish I was this. I wish I felt that way.” They go “who am I? What strengthens me?” and then they run with it. 3) They deliberately imbalance their lives. Once you find those strong moments those strong activities in your life you deliberately imbalance your life toward them. I described it in that book “find you strongest life” I described it as catching and cradling. In a sense, in order to be successful in life, you have to realize that your attention, the attention you pay to particular moments in your life, your working life, your home life, your attention is a creative act. The more attention you pay to something, the bigger it gets, which of course, cuts both ways. If you spend your entire job you looking at the activities that drag you down that annoy you and bore you. Those things get bigger, attention amplifies things. So the more you focus on the problems that you’re facing right now at your job and career, the bigger those problems get, which lead to the understanding that many people successful people have that you never solve the problem on it’s on terms, ever. It’s no t like you ignore the problem, but you never solve it on its own terms. You got to find a different angle of attack. The angle that most successful people use in general and in life is you pay attention to the strongest moments in your life. You pay attention to those particular moments that seem to invigorate you differently than other people and you focus your attention on those, then what you’re doing is a) you’re letting those moments to fulfill you to fill you up, to invigorate you and b) you’re being creative. You’re looking at the moments, going “how can I use those on my job? How can I learn new skills that might enable me to be more effective and valuable in those moments?” So for example, for someone like you, for an entrepreneur like you, you might go “you know what? I’m invigorated by ambiguity. I love not knowing what I’m going to do next. I love the fact that the world is a friendly place. I don’t know what’s around the next corner and the only way I’m going to figure it out is to walk around the next corner. Any time I’m put in a situation like that, where I don’t know what’s around the next corner. I’m just at my best. I’m on fire. What the best people do, the successful people will pay close attention to that moment and then go, and you would go “how can I make sure that doesn’t turn into ready fire rain. How can I take my love of ambiguity and turn it into really focus on entrepreneurship? What kind of resources would I need to ensure that if I charged across town, stoplight stoplight that there wasn’t anything really to derail me? I like to travel light, but I don’t want to travel without anything at all because I might get caught short. So how do I take my love of ambiguity and turn it into a really focused way of approaching my career?” I don’t know you that well, Dan, but by looking at someone like you, that’s probably one of your challenges. How do you.. I’m really big on research and you did this huge research project for “find your strongest life.” What was the most fascinating piece of research that you uncovered for your book? There’s two. There’s a macro and a mico piece. The fact that out of the last 40 years you’ve got all of these different global surveys of well-being revealing the same trend that men are gradually getting ever so slightly happier, and women are gradually getting ever so slightly less happy. That applies to every single one of the 35 developed countries in which that research has been conducted. So great political freedom, greater earning power, and greater influence, the political realm, the community realm, pretty much any realm you could look at, the greater influence in power that the women have achieved over the last 40 years, have not yet brought with it the rise in well-being and happiness, self-reported well-being and happiness, then you might expect it. If one wasn’t pushing and searching for those freedoms, which of course we should have between the genders. There should be parity in terms of where time is spent and where money is earned, educational level, and all those things. If one wasn’t pushing for the freedoms, in order to be happier and more fulfilled in life, then why are we doing it? So that research shows the gradual downward trend of women’s overall well-being over the last 40 years, which is just weird, because frankly I haven’t seen it written about before, no one had put that out front and center and was like “what’s going on?” I think that that’s important a) we got to look at what do women do who are not part of the trend, which is why I wrote the book, there are women who are not getting gradually more dissatisfied they are becoming more fulfilled. On the micro level, there was a lady that we interviewed. I’m fascinated at people who are resilient. There was many many of resilient people that we interviewed for this book, but there was one particular lady named Diane who basically, and I won’t tell you the entire story, but she was woken up one night by a call from the police station saying that her husband, who was a pastor, had been arrested for cereal rape, and she had two sons, one of whom was just under 2 years old one of whom was just about 3 weeks old. With that one phone call her whole life fell apart. And yet you see her now, 15 years on, and she’s vibrant, focused, engaged, and happy, and confident. If you didn’t know it, you would have no idea that in her life that there was this ridiculously massive tragedy. Somehow she had taken that tragedy and figure out how to move forward through that despite having two young kids, and despite the trauma of having a serial rapist as a husband who’s now serving 12 consecutive life sentences. So to see people like that I mean yes it’s all very well studying the most successful women, the Meg Whitmans, the Sheryl Sandbergs of this world, and looking at those successful women and going, “what did they do differently?” that’s interesting, but in my mind, it’s just as intriguing to study somebody who’s faced ridiculous setbacks and managed to persevere and live a strong and fulfilled life. How do people maintain a more balanced life when we’re all connected all the time? All of the interconnectedness of the world these days makes it really quite tricky. Where do you put the boundaries? You and I know both know you could be connected at all times if you want. You could be distracted your whole life. You can never be in any moment long enough to really feel it. I think technology these days puts pressure on us to figure out how we actually pay attention at all. We suffer from a life of divided attention and since the way to find fulfillment in life is to pay attention, and the major symptom is our attention is divided, you got a major problem right there. You just got a poor cause of unhappiness. I think really that when you look at what we’re facing, I don’t really we really setup balance as our goal. I think it’s distracting to us. Because firstly, finding that point of balance where everything is perfectly balanced is incredibly difficult. We’re setting up ourselves for failure because there’s only one tiny point on the spectrum where everything is perfectly balanced. And second, who’s to say that it’s particularly filling anyway? Even if you find that moment where you got the car payment taken care of, and the house payment taken care of, and you’re spending enough time with your kids, spending enough time with your spouse, and spending just enough time on your work to be ambitious but not so much that you lose your family. It’s really kind of a moment where you go, “nobody move, nobody move, nobody change anything, everyone just stay right where you are because that’s where everything’s balanced. So it’s not a fulfilling state, it’s a stagnant, stationary state- that’s what balanced is. Nobody move, nobody touch anything because otherwise the whole balance will crumble. That’s a rotten life goal, much more of a fulfilling way to think about life is you’re not striving for balance, you’re striving for fullness and that you need to make sure that in each aspect of your life that you take on that you’re paying attention to the specific moments long enough for them and focus enough for them to fill you up. So if you choose to work, then your work better have moments that you’ve searched of that fill you up. If you choose to get married, you better make sure that you are finding and paying attention deliberately to those moments you have with your spouse that are invigorating to you. If you choose to have kids, you better make sure that, it’s not time, find attention, to find those moments you will pay attention to as a parent. You don’t have to always have to pick up your kids from school, you don’t always have to do homework you’re your kids, you don’t always have to be on the floor playing with your kids. Every parent does different things with their kids. You got to know what kind of parent you are. So this isn’t really a question of time, it’s a question of attention. I think in the end if we see life as a search for fullness, and we realize that the only way to you could use life to fill you up is that you pay attention to specific moments that do fill you up, then I think you have more, a higher likelihood of success at finding moments that fill you up. Not every moment, not every time. There will be stretches of your life perhaps where your marriage, your work, or your kids, you’ve lost your attention on them and so they don’t fill you up the way they should. You haven’t focused on which moments are the right moments to pay attention to. At least it’s an ongoing focus positive way to approach life. As opposed to the search for balance, this is by definition, a stationary approach. If you’re striving for fulfillment and fullness, you may feel internally balanced, you may have an inner sense of balance, which is really an inner sense of fullness, but you’re certainly not balanced in terms as the amount of time and attention you’re spending on each aspect of your life. So I guess from more research within this book, don’t strive for work-life balance. It’s impossible to achieve and not satisfying when you do. Strive for work-life fullness. That’s not necessarily easy, but it’s fulfilling when it happens. Marcus Buckingham has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover and capitalize on their personal strengths. Hailed as a visionary by corporations such as Toyota, Coca-Cola, Master Foods, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, and Disney, he has helped to usher in the “strengths revolution. He is the New York Times bestselling author of First, Break All the Rules, and Now, Discover Your Strengths. Buckingham’s latest book, Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, was inspired by the overwhelming response to his appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Buckingham founded TMBC in 2007 to create strengths-based management training solutions for organizations worldwide, and he spreads the strengths message in keynote addresses to over 250,000 people around the globe each year. He is a member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Leadership and Management.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Infinite Reasons to Discover Dubai

Infinite Reasons to Discover Dubai I know where I’d choose as my number one business trip destination, but before I share it with you, let’s consider what makes a perfect business trip location… It has to be somewhere with a dynamic business center, a thriving tourism industry and somewhere with a temperate climate, so you can make the most of your time in the city. You need somewhere that has all of the services required to have a successful business meeting, as well as plenty of fun activities to keep you busy during your down time. You want somewhere that customer service is taken seriously, so you know your needs will be met and exceeded at every stage. For me, that place would be Dubai. Discover Dubai Dubai stands head and shoulders above the rest for lots of reasons. It’s a prosperous business hub as well as a tourism hotspot. What better way to begin the business trip of a lifetime than by arriving in style with Emirates Holidays. Accommodation Dubai is a leading tourist destination which means it has some incredible accommodation options. You can choose between hotels, resorts or rental apartments, from super luxurious, to mid-priced or budget, there’s something to suit everyone. During the business trip, I’d choose to stay beachside in a hotel such as the Ritz Carlton. However, I’d try to tag an extra couple of days onto the trip so I could splash out on a short stay at the Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort Spa. If youre lucky enough to have an opportunity for an extended stay, theres a variety of apartments available that can provide all the amenities you desire. Spas After a long flight, or an intense meeting, you need somewhere to wind down, and what better place than in a spa. Dubai has some of the best spas in the world. While many of the hotels have their own, it’s also easy to book in for treatments or a full day package at one of the other resorts. The award-winning Talise Spa comes highly recommended, so I’d try to find time to book in there for an afternoon’s indulgence. Cuisine Eating out is a pleasure in Dubai, with many restaurants to choose from to suit all tastes. I’d enjoy dining in the modern and sleek surroundings at Rhodes Twenty10, the restaurant of celebrity chef, Gary Rhodes. Shopping Whether you’re looking for a new designer outfit, or some souvenirs to take home, there are lots of sprawling shopping malls in Dubai. As the stores open well into the night, I’d pop in to explore after finishing work for the day. The shops are only half the fun â€" the malls are packed with entertainment opportunities too, such as Ski Dubai and Dubai Aquarium. Recreation With fantastic weather, what better way to relax after a day at the office than to head to the beach? Some beachside hotels have their own private stretch of sand, but there are numerous other public beaches to visit and plenty of water sports on offer if you fancy being active. Not a fan of the water?   Try a desert safari and experience sand dunes and desert camping like you never imagined! Cultural opportunities I’d love to experience old Dubai by visiting the atmospheric souks. The markets are great places to buy souvenirs and there are specific souks for gold, fish, textiles and spices. I’d take an abra (a wooden taxi boat) across the Creek, to take in the sights and sounds of the city from the water. Dubai for business and pleasure Dubai really does offer everything you’d need for a perfect business trip, and a bit of a luxury holiday is you manage to sneak that on to the end of your trip. Now I just need to find a way to get invited there on business!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Claims Adjuster Job Description Sample -

Claims Adjuster Job Description Sample - Claims Adjuster Job Description Template Download our job description template in Word or PDF format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Using Your Template Follow these instructions to use your new job description template Step one: Fill out all details in your job description template using the provided sample on this page. Step two: Customize your requirements or duties to anything special to your workplace. Be sure to speak with team members and managers to gauge what's required of the position. Step three: When the census of the team has agreed on the description of the work, add in a Equal Employment Opportunity statement to the bottom of your job description. Step four: Check with your legal department, management team, and other team members to ensure the job description looks correct before creating a job advertisement. Choose a job board that's specific to your needs.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to decide on where to live after graduating - Debut location

How to decide on where to live after graduating - Debut location This post was written by an external contributor.  Lucy Skoulding details everything you need to consider when choosing a new location to live in  post-graduation.   If you studied at a university in the UK, you’ve probably thought at least once that you should move to London when you graduate. Or move abroad. Or buy a house. Just something you think others will find impressive. Deciding where to live after graduation can feel like a big decision, especially if you don’t have a concrete plan for what you are doing next. I want to tell you that where you live doesn’t have to be a priority. I know you’re thinking that it’s easy for a London-based graduate to say. But in my experience, graduate life is all about who you’re with and what you’re doing. There are pros and cons to everywhere. What do graduates think? Contrary to what you might believe as the pressure piles on during your final year of study, graduates have a wide variety of experiences when it comes to where they live after university. Twitter user Alex Humphries moved from West Oxfordshire to go to university in Huddersfield. After graduating in 2014, he decided to stay where he had studied. “I wanted to stay in Yorkshire to have a better quality of life. I simply couldn’t afford to move back to my home county. I work for a Leeds-based digital marketing agency called My Social Agency.” Liam Soloman, on the other hand, decided to move to London after finishing his degree. “Im originally from Sussex but went to Sheffield Hallam to study marketing. Because of the job opportunities and it being closer to home, I opted to move to London after uni, instead of staying in Sheffield. I am now the marketing lead at my brothers company, Love the Sales.” Personally, I moved home briefly after finishing at Warwick before heading to London to start working. While the city brings an exciting new adventure and lots of job opportunities, there are cons. I pay a lot more for rent than I would in most other UK locations and a lot of free time activities like sports and socialising are very expensive. What are your options? If you haven’t yet got a job or decided what you want to do next, you have some different options on your hands. The only way to choose between them is to work out what’s important to you personally. You may or may not have the option of moving back in with your parents or guardians. For those who do, it might prove cheaper whilst applying to jobs. If moving out is your goal, you could live with a group of friends or house sharers to help save money on rent. If you’re keen to do this but don’t know anyone else who is, you could apply for a room in a house using sites such as spareroom. This can be an amazing way to meet new people. Other options include moving in with your partner or living on your own, which might cost more but be preferable to those who like their privacy. Then, of course, there is the actual location. Do you want to stay close to your home town or where you went to university? Do you move to a totally new place? Would you prefer to live in a city, town, or a village in the middle of the countryside? Perhaps you even fancy living abroad or going travelling. The options seem endless, but perhaps this decision is not as daunting as you think it is. How do you decide where to live? Ultimately, deciding where to live after university shouldn’t be totally focused on the location itself. Try to avoid listening to what everyone else is doing or be dictated by what you think you should do. Instead focus on what you really want and what will be best for you. Do you want to move somewhere where you already have a group of friends, or would you prefer a completely new start that allows you to get to know new people? Do you need a location that helps you stay close to your family, or perhaps move closer to a partner? If you have an idea of the sort of work you want to do, narrow down the places which have the most opportunities. Also think about your life outside of work. If you have specific hobbies or interests, will this influence the location you choose to move to? Finally, think about your commute. Would you prefer somewhere you’re able to drive, or would you prefer a location with good transport links? Think about your day-to-day routine and what would make you happiest. Grab a notepad and write down all your potential locations. Where fits best with your answers to the above? If possible, perhaps recce a few places before you make a final decision. Try your best not to view the post-graduation move as something impossibly terrifying. Wherever you decide to go, it should be 100% your decision. And remember, if you decide you don’t like it, you can always move again! Download Debut  and  connect with us on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Risk of Doing Your Job Really Well

The Risk of Doing Your Job Really Well One of the challenges of being a high achiever is that you’re very likely to get pigeonholed at various times in your career. Maybe it's happening to you now. What often happens is you get typecast into playing a particular role and then it's really hard to get other opportunities outside of it. It all starts with something good. You do something really well, you get compliments for it, you become the go-to person for it, and soon you're basking in the praise and positive reinforcement. Then all of a sudden you realize, “Wow. I’m only perceived as being able to do this one thing. But now I want to do more things.” What began as a “good thing” has become a bit of a trap. And this is incredibly frustrating if you want to keep learning growing and developing. So, what do you do about it? There are two key aspects you need to address when you’ve been pigeonholed. The first is the reality and the second is the perception. When you’ve been pigeonholed in your career, you need to address both your reality and people’s perception of you. The Reality of Why You’re Being Pigeonholed First, take a reality check and look at how you may be contributing to your own pigeonholing. Take a good hard look and be honest with yourself. The 4-Part Reality Check 1. Look at Your Capabilities Are you really a one-trick pony? Do you have other capabilities?  If you don't then start investing in them. Take a course, volunteer for a new experience or do whatever it might be that you need to do. 2. Look at Your Confidence Level Are you staying in your comfort zone? Do you have the confidence to speak up or to ask for other opportunities? If not, then start speaking up and start asking. 3. Look at Your Connections Do you have the connections to get those other opportunities? To what extent can your network of connections help you succeed in those other opportunities once you get them? If your connections (or lack of them) are the issue, then start building your network of relationships beyond your current role. 4. Look at Your Conduct How are you behaving and conducting yourself on a day-to-day basis? Are you holding onto tasks rather than delegating them? Are you only talking about things related to your job at hand? Are you dressing in a way that makes it hard for people to envision you being in those next bigger, broader roles? Start being conscious of what you might need to change. How to Change Other People’s Perception of You The second key aspect is to take a look at the perceptions other people have of you. To what extent are there some you want to change? If you’re not sure of people’s perceptions, start by putting yourself in their shoes and envisioning how they might be seeing you. Then gather some data by asking them. When it comes to addressing perceptions people have of you, there are three steps that can help shift the way you’re seen by others. 3 Steps To Change Perceptions of You Step 1: Establish Your Desire What is your desire in terms of how you want to be perceived? This question is important because the answer forms a basis for deciding which actions you want to take. Then you can be directed and intentional about taking those actions that will most help others perceive you in a different, more appropriate way. Step 2: Disrupt Current Perceptions To help others change their perceptions, you need to disrupt the way they’re already perceiving you. The best way to do that is to show them the way you want to be seen. You could apply the skills that you're using in your current role in a slightly different arena. For example, if you’ve shown that you have great skills with covering clients, maybe you can also apply those great people skills to managing project teams. Another option is to draw attention to the other skills you have as you're using them. Make sure people see you in action. You could also speak up and ask questions that are outside your immediate area to show your broader interests. And since managers aren’t mind readers, it’s useful to share your aspirations with your boss and other senior people. The best way to help others change their perceptions of you is to show them the way you want to be seen. Step 3: Eliminate Risk Once others see you in a different, more appropriate light, it’s important to de-risk it for them to give you the opportunities you want outside of your current role. People tend to be risk-averse when it comes to change, and they may be risking their personal reputation to put you into a new role or project. You might need to get training so that people can feel comfortable you have the skills to take on a new opportunity. You can also think about how you talk about what you currently do. Just like you might do in your resume, you could talk about what you already do in a different way. You could slant the way you talk about your experiences toward a particular business function that you’re interested in or in a way that highlights your leadership. You also can get “social proof”, which means finding people that are not yet seeing you in a pigeonholed way and doing some projects with them. This way, they can then come back and vouch for you to your boss and your boss's boss. In my career, it was empowering for me to be able to get other colleagues to come back to my boss to say, “May did a great job of leading and managing the people on this cross-divisional team. Some of my people were on that team. She could definitely lead other people.” Be Patient â€" Changing Perceptions Takes Time If you've been pigeonholed, take heart because it means you started out by doing something right. Now it’s time to do the reality check, figure out how you want to change perceptions and then take action. Remember to be patient because it took you some time to get into the pigeonhole and it's going to take you some time to get out. I want you to go to the comment section and share two things: What's the one next action you’ll take to get out of your pigeonhole? Or, what have you done in the past that’s worked to get you out of a pigeonhole? I can’t wait to read your comments.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Using Resume Writing Services To Get Jobs

Using Resume Writing Services To Get JobsIf you are seeking employment in the business sector then it is imperative that you make use of resume writing services longview, TX. A resume is the first thing that is taken into consideration when you are applying for a job. So you need to make sure that your resume is well written and precise so that your resume is likely to get you the job of your dreams.But in order to get a job it is not just about writing a great resume but also about marketing yourself effectively. It can help to know that most people that take up jobs and careers decide to leave a job after about five years because they feel that the position is not that suitable for them. This is because the position did not give them enough opportunity to grow or move on in their career. Most of the time you may be the first person who was employed at the company and now that the position has been shifted it can be very difficult to find a new job.In order to address this issue you will need to make use of the resume writing services in Longview, TX. In fact, if you plan to move to the USA or to another country, this would be the best way to get a job there as it allows you to have an international outlook. This can be very beneficial when you are looking for a career in the United States, UK or Canada.For those of you who are looking for work in Longview, TX, there are a number of different opportunities that you can take up. There are some that choose to work in the education or healthcare sectors. You could work as an administrative assistant, private nurse, physiotherapist, gym instructor, accountant, paralegal, medical secretary or pharmacists etc. But if you are planning to work in the educational sector then you will need to prepare a good curriculum vitae that will allow your potential employer to see your potential and persuade you to join the school of your choice.So, if you are looking for work in Longview, TX then you need to start your research b y checking out the various employers that are available in the area. Then you will need to look for a job agency that has been in operation for more than ten years. This agency will be able to provide you with a lot of useful information, such as relevant resumes, cover letters, CV, samples of previous work samples. The agency will also provide you with a template for your resume.You should also check out the local employment agencies that are available. In most cases you will have to pay a certain amount of money to get your resume, cover letter and samples sent to the employer. Some agencies will provide these services free of cost. But in case you are not able to find any employment agency near you then you could try doing a search online.Before going to Longview, TX you need to keep in mind that the job market is very competitive. If you do not take the initiative to do your homework in advance then you may end up failing to land the job of your dreams. So it is better to be pre pared than trying to catch the last job that comes your way.Remember that when you are looking for work in Longview, TX, it is important that you make use of the resume writing services of reputable agencies. These services will be able to provide you with professional advice and will help you write a resume that is likely to get you hired.